

New moon to full moon retreats

The Snow Mansion offers life-skills and garden internships this summer! Starting each new moon to the full moon, this is a two week program where you can live in a beautiful place while also learning skills to empower yourself with working with the land and medicine. The program offers lodging, meals, yoga, garden education and day trips to beautiful places surrounding the area. Each moon cycle offers slightly different variations of what is taught and offered, for the seasons choose what we plant and what we are focusing on. Although, some crucial things will always be touched on, for example, each program will explore the basics of making soil and compost, the backbone to every garden project! We will also go over irrigation practices, the benefits and importance of worms. We show how to plant seeds, a fine skill!

We plant herbs in categories to make it easy to remember. Learning about various medicinal herbs in every stage of their lives as we walk through the garden.

There will be yoga, qi gong, and cooking classes also available to you if you choose. Upon arrival on the new moon, there will be a welcome ceremony in preparation for the next two weeks, and a full moon blessing in your departure

Here are the dates:

Wednesday April 26-May 10 

Spring Clean Up, Preparing the Garden Beds, Pruning, Planting Root Vegetables

Thursday May 25-June 9 

Put Out Cole Plants, Brassicas, Transplanting

Friday June 23-July 9th 

Harvesting Garlic, Planting Cucumbers, Squashes, Corn and Beans

Sunday July 23-Aug 7th 

Summer Care and Maintenance of Plants, Weeding, Harvesting, Mindful Water Practices

Monday August 21-September 6 

Taos Native and Chinese Herb Teachings:

The SnowMansion grounds and surrounding mountains are full of native and cultivated herbs and history.

The SnowMansion teaches intensive workshops year round.  People learn through these intensives. The gardens and workshops are stocked with all the tools and supplies to make Teas, Balms, Salves, Tinctures and oils. There is so much to learn.

People come here from all over to work throughout the seasons and experience the connection between land, history and spirit. Helping people retreat with good food, regroup and connect to the mountain.

This delightful world of botany is opened through seeing and tasting all the variety of vegetation that the SnowMansion offers.

Email Mouna at

Wednesday September 20-October 5

Harvesting, Canning, Drying, Salves

October 19-November 4

Preparing For Winter, Harvesting, Preserving Food

Wednesday April 26-May 10 

Spring Clean Up, Preparing the Garden Beds, Pruning, Planting Root Vegetables

Thursday May 25-June 9 

Put Out Cole Plants, Brassicas, Transplanting

Friday June 23-July 9th 

Harvesting Garlic, Planting Cucumbers, Squashes, Corn and Beans

Sunday July 23-Aug 7th 

Summer Care and Maintenance of Plants, Weeding, Harvesting, Mindful Water Practices

Monday August 21-September 6 

Fruit Harvest, Canning, Drying, Pie Making

Wednesday September 20-October 5

Harvesting, Canning, Drying, Salves

October 19-November 4

Preparing For Winter, Harvesting, Preserving Food



